715.273.3209 |  Mon. & Fri. 10am - 6pm, Tues-Thurs 10am - 8pm, Sat. 9am -1pm

Building Campaign

Thanks to our planners, fundraising team, donors and contractors, the renovation of the new Ellsworth Public Library space is nearing completion. We have set our sights to focus on landscaping in 2023 to create a welcoming outdoor community gathering space with seating areas, green space and walkways. The library reopened for regular services on Tuesday, January 24. Drop in and see the new space at 388 West Main Street. 

Back View (Kinne Street)

Future Main Space 11,649 sq. feet –
4 times more space than the current space of 2,880 sq. feet.

Front View (Main Street)

Wall Smashing Event – (4/22/22)

View of the main level to the upper level – wall removed (5/4/22)

View of the main level from the upper level (5/4/22)

Main level view from the Kinne Street entrance (5/4/22)

Makerspace opened up, upper level (5/18/22)

View of the storytime room, looking through to study rooms (5/18/22)

ramp to the left, stairs to the right (6/22/22)

circulation desk area in front, staff workroom in back (6/22/22)

Makerspace with display case, upper level (6/22/22)

History Room – former vault area (6/22/22)

ramp to upper level (7/22/22)

teen space with teal color on the walls (7/22/22)

coffee station area, lower level (7/22/22)

Makerspace (7/22/22)

storytime/playspace looking through to study rooms, tan paint on the walls (7/22/22)

staff workroom in back, circulation area in front with darker blue color on the walls (7/22/22)


Makerspace with paint and tiles, upper level (8/11/22)

teen space

teen space with carpet and paint (8/11/22)

study rooms carpeting

study/meeting rooms with carpeting (8/11/22)

Large Meeting Space

large meeting room (10/7/22)

Storytime Playspace

Storytime/Playspace (10/7/22)

Front Entrance

front entrance (10/7/22)


Makerspace (10/7/22)


staff workroom (10/7/22)

outside front sign

front signage (10/12/22)

outside back signage

back signage (10/12/22)

Book drop - outside

outside book drop  (11/11/22)

family bathroom

family restroom  (11/11/22)

outside front sign

makerspace (01/23/23)

outside back signage

meeting room (01/23/23)

Book drop - outside

history room  (02/22/23)

family bathroom

hospitality area (03/02/23)

outside front sign

quiet reading area (03/02/23)

outside back signage

comfy seating (03/02/23)

Book drop - outside

RCU children’s area  (03/02/23)

family bathroom

adult fiction shelves (03/02/23)

Eggspert the statue

Eggspert, statue front entrance (05/04/23)

fundraiser thermometer $2 million

$2 million (05/12/23)

Book drop - outside

new side tables (05/23)

family bathroom


Donation Options and Information


  • Send a check payable to:
    Ellsworth Public Library Building Campaign
    312 West Main Street
    Ellsworth, WI 54011

Pledge/Naming Opportunities

Additional Information

Building Project History

Beginning in March of 2012, in preparation for writing the library’s Long-Range Plan for 2012-2015, the Ellsworth Public Library held several focus group meetings. The meetings were facilitated by John Thompson, Director of the IFLS Library System, of which the Ellsworth Public Library is a member. IFLS is a state funded organization that provides consulting and support services for 53 public libraries in a 10-county region in west central Wisconsin.

The community stepped up to the task and shared their thoughts about the library — what we do well, what is lacking and where they would like to see their library in the future. The information garnered from those meetings was critical in planning the future of the library. Armed with that information, the library’s Long-Range Plan was written and approved by the Ellsworth Public Library Board of Trustees.

Along with that planning document, John Thompson developed a Space Needs Report — an assessment of the current and future space needs of the library. That report was developed using comments from the focus groups as well as the Wisconsin Public Library Standards, and Public Library Space Needs: A Planning Outline. The goal of the report was to assist the Library Board and others with determining the best course of action in meeting the needs of the community and library patrons.

In August of 2012, the Ellsworth Village Board voted to approve the formation of a Building/Space Committee, charged with the job of investigating space options available to the library and the community. That committee explored a variety of options from 2012-2021. In late 2020, the property at 388 W. Main became available when the local BMO Harris Bank branch closed, and the building was purchased by the Village of Ellsworth in March 2021.

The Library Board hired Ayres Associates to create a blueprint for the space, fundraising commenced, and the renovation at 388 West Main kicked off in April 2022 with the hiring of Market & Johnson and a wall smashing event. A grand opening was held on January 23, 2023 and the library opened with full services the next day. The new space is four times larger than the previous location and houses meeting rooms, study rooms, creative spaces, gathering places, a local history room, display opportunities, and so much more.

Library History Video with Director, Tiffany Meyer

Building/Space Committee Members

Paul Bauer
Tony Birkel
Pam Enger
Mike Foley
Milt Helmer
Sharon Hofmeister
Linda Johnson
Charles Kummer
Meghan Quinn-Kummer
Roger Nelson
Judy Perkins
Ron Reigle
Sharon Schulze
John Thompson
Mindy Anderson
Jeanette Wright
Tiffany Meyer

Laurie Braun, Caroline Herfindahl, Alyssa Nelson, Heidi Sundet, Elise Gregory (rotating staff members)